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Music, instructions and art for Leopard Class

This week, we continued our work looking at Henri Rousseau. The children experimented with oil pastels, before adding colour to their animal drawings. They have also been learning how to use the primary colours to make secondary colours and in particular, green. The children then used white and black to create different shades of green. We then used this to paint and print our leaves ready for collaging next week. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we were visited by a Medieval Duo who gave us a live concert. They brought in a variety of instruments in for the children to see and listen to.  The children clapped along and even had a dance at the end.  They were able to see how instruments have changed and what beautiful sounds they made by playing them in different ways,

In our Maths lessons, all of the children have been looking at weighing different objects using the balancing scales. Year 1 children have used cubes to measure, compare and order the mass of different objects. Year 2 have used grams and kilograms to measure mass.

As part of our English we have been reading a non-fiction text ‘From a Tiny Seed to a Mighty Tree’. The children have planted sunflowers seeds and have started writing instructions for how to grow a sunflower. 

In PE, the children have continued with standing and floor shapes, but this week they worked with a partner. In outdoor PE, they practised bouncing and catching a tennis ball to develop their coordination and awareness of the ball, next week we will introduce rackets!

The children learned about pictograms in computing as a way of recording data. They did a fantastic job at collecting and recording information such as, our favourite fruits and pets. Some children even challenged themselves to make their own!



  • PE kits worn to school on Monday and Thursday- please send the children in wearing trainers or with daps in their bags on these days.
  • Thursday - World Book Day – dress as a word.
  • Thursday- Mrs Millard will be teaching Leopard class on this day.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)