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This week in Millipedes we have continued our exploration of maps and the world around us. We have made our own maps of home and of Westbury. These are currently on display in the classroom and look fabulous, see pictures below.

Maths this week has been focused on sharing. As every I have been blown away by the ability of the Millipedes who have taken to sharing equally so fast, spotting the numbers that we can share fairly and those we cannot. We have also begun to look at both odd and even numbers, find them in our everyday life.

With the changing weather we have begun exploring spring. The children have loved seeing our tadpoles grow and are findings signs of spring in our outside areas.


The children are continuing in their new RWI groups. I am currently taking purple group and the children are doing well with the new, more challenging, content! The RWI blog is really helpful for practicing at home. Follow the link below and select your child’s group, there you should find the relevant documents for that group should you wish to continue phonics learning at home.

If you have any questions regarding RWI please ask or see the link to the Read Write Inc Blog below.



1 millipedes 28/04/23


Next week we have a bank holiday and an inset day so we will see you all on Wednesday!

We are all looking forward to our coronation celebrations on Friday when we are off timetable.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! 😊

Mr. Horniman, Mrs Smith, Miss Harris and Mrs Rockey