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New Term and New Topic! 



The Beetles have had a great start to the new term with our new Art Topic – Henri Rousseau.  The children began by looking at a selection of Rousseau’s artwork before finding out more about the man himself.  The children were able to describe what they liked, how the paintings made them feel and the various similarities between the paintings.  We then took our learning outside of the classroom, inspired like Rousseau, to sketch leaves using a variety of techniques such as hatching, stippling and blending.  The children also did some observational drawings of wild animals which they will include in the final art piece. 

In Maths, we have continued with our multiplications and division block with the focus on developing our 2, 5- and 10-times table knowledge.   We even played times table tennis to develop our fluency – you can try this at home too!

Some of the children have moved RWI groups so you may notice a different colour band book coming home.  The children have all been given a word list sheet today, please continue to support your child by listening to them read this and their reading book each day and by sharing stories with them.  Further support can be found on the RWI blog. 

In music, we listened to an animal themed song and used the shakers to keep with the timings and rhythm.  The children very quickly picked up all the words and the beat so we have decided to share this song with the whole school during our assembly next week – Aardvarks, see the aardvarks…

Parent Consultation Evening reminders went home today and I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Rockey, Miss Smith and Mrs Ball.

Beetle Class Team

Mrs Jeffery will be in class; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Rockey taking Beetle Class on Thursday.