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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

New science topic for Leopards!

This week, we started a new topic in science- How do animals survive? The children matched adult animals to their babies and sorted animals depending on whether they were born live or hatched from an egg.  We looked at the life stages of humans and the children acted out the various stages before thinking about the different things humans need at each stage. Then, we learned about life cycles and thought about a butterfly's- acting it out and ordering the stages.

In English, we learned about, performed and wrote acrostic poems. This was quite tricky but the children did an amazing job of writing a poem about Remembrance.

We have continued addition and subtraction in maths, with Year 1 looking at the teen numbers and Year 2 using methods to cross tens, and then applying skills to answer word problems.

In music, the children have been having fun with instruments and this week, they have designed their own to make this coming week. If you could send in any small boxes, (tissue box size) small plastic bottles, yoghurt type pots that would be really helpful for when the children make their instruments.

New book bag books will continue to be issued every Friday so please do share these with your child.  If you have any unreturned books at home please send them into school next week.  Thank you.  Here's the link for the RWI blog which helps support your child's reading development. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-10th-November-2023/



We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)