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Optimistic orienteering and perceptive post code cracking!

The children have been working really hard this week to give and follow directions in Geography, using left and right, forwards and backwards, half and quarter turns and learning about the 4 points of the compass. Our topic was completed on Thursday afternoon with our exciting parent event.  We were so grateful for all of the support shown by the parents/careers  who attended and I know how much the children appreciated you being there so THANK YOU!! We had lots of fun, beginning with an orienteering activity on the trim trail.  Our optimism  for a dry and sunny afternoon was not miss placed.  We had a set of directions to follow which would lead to different letters hidden around the trim trail.  Once all of the letters were collected it would spell a word associated with our topic.  It was aerial as in an aerial view.  Then we had 2 other activities, one where the children could draw and name 4 places we saw on our local walk last week, and our final activity  cracking  the post codes.  We  used goggle maps to find the locations and those who were really perceptive  worked out the last one; which was the Eiffel  tower in Paris.  Thank you to Mrs Fazakerly, our student teacher who organised such fun and varied activities.  

The weather looks promising next week so remember to

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide -Slip on a T-shirt, slop on sun cream, slap on a hat and seek shade and slide on wraparound sunglasses to prevent sun damage.  

Please also remember to keep reading with your children and help them learn all of their set 2 and set 3 sounds by using the little yellow book everyone took home on Wednesday.  We all want them to pass their phonic screening check and feel successful.  It will be soon after we return back to school. 

We hope you all have a wonderful break from school and have lots of fun x