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Panda's Florence Nightingale

Panda class have been working really hard this week. We have started our new History topic on Florence Nightingale and the children have really enjoyed learning about what hospital conditions used to be like and how Florence Nightingale changed them into cleaner and more hygenic places.  The children also enjoyed being nurses themselves and practiced their skills using bandages.


This week in music, we listened to a piece of music called The Night Ferry by Anna Clyne.  She was only 11 years old when she wrote the piece of music and this amazed the children.  They had a go at drawing what the music represented before I told them what the piece of music was about.  It was really interesting to see the children’s ideas depicted through art. 


In English, we have had great fun writing our own Haiku’s which are short 3 lined poems. It’s all to do with the number of syllables per line (5,7,5). In Mastering Number, we have been looking at number bonds to 7.  The year 1 children have been looking at numbers to 50 and in year 2, they have been grouping and sharing using pictures.


After half term, Panda class will be swimming on a Tuesday afternoon (1:30-3).  If you can help out at all during these sessions, please let us know.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bayley, Mrs Kerbey and Mrs Airey