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Penguins, keeping healthy and hockey for Leopard Class

This week has been full to the brim of learning! 

In maths, we have continued with addition and subtraction. The Year 1 children have used their knowledge of numbers to 20 to order and compare them, using resources to support and prove their understanding.  The Year 2 children have been finding missing numbers using the inverse operation and known facts.

We started a new text in English, ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins.  We have learnt about the life of the Emperor penguin and found out how he had to first look after the egg and then the penguin chick.  The children used drama to re-enact the story's key events, from carefully holding the egg on their feet, huddling to keep warm to finally feeding the penguin chick.  The children have sequenced the story and written sentences to explain what is happening, using 'and' and 'but' to add information.

In science, the children have looked at how we stay healthy. The children completed an investigation of what exercise does for our body and the changes that happen. They did different exercises and measured their pulse. Then, the children look at 'hygiene' and how we can look after ourselves. Miss McMillan 'sneezed' glitter to see how far it travelled and then the children observed an experiment to see washing our hands with soap can stop germs from spreading. The children made posters to show their learning.

In PE, we continued hockey by playing a dribbling game to get as many balls from the nest as they could. They needed fantastic teamwork, speed and accurate dribbling. Then, the children practised shooting into a goal.

The children made their own instruments in music. They used different materials and played with them to see how the instrument could make sounds, either by shaking, banging or plucking.



- Thursday 23rd November- we will be going on our school trip to Bristol Aquarium. The children will need to wear full school uniform with comfortable shoes and have a small backpack to carry their lunch. All children will be provided with a school pack lunch but you may wish to provide your own. We will leave and return within school time.

-The weather has certainly now turned so please ensure that your child has a named waterproof coat in school every day.

-New book bag books will continue to be issued every Friday so please do share these with your child.  If you have any unreturned books at home please send them into school next week.  Also, please see the RWI blog to continue to support your child’s reading at home.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)