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Pictograms and PE for Glow Worms

We started this week by continuing to learn about data in computing. We discussed what a pictogram was and the children used a picture of a zoo to collect data and represent it in a pictogram using the Ipads. 

In PE, the children practised their sports day races again and even had a go at the bean bag hoop race. We look forward to showing off our teamwork and running skills on Sports Day on Friday 14th July at 10am. 

The children have been thoroughly been enjoying the Great Fire of London topic. This week, we learned about why the ‘firefighters’ couldn't stop the fire spreading, why so many more houses burned down during this time than during other fires in London and how was the fire stopped. The children thought about how the wind, the long, dry summer and how the fire started at night made the it worse than other fires at the time and they learned what firebreaks are and how they helped to stop the fire spreading. The children made houses and recorded a video to explain how they it stopped. 

In maths, the children have been counting up to 100, recognising tens and partitioning numbers into tens and ones. They have been improving their knowledge of the place value of numbers to 100 and we will continue this next week too.



  • Mrs Watts will be taking Glow Worm class on Wednesday morning, with Miss McMillan returning for the afternoon.
  • Reports will be out Friday 14th July
  • Sports Day will be on Friday 14th July at 10am. We look forward to hopefully seeing you there.


Miss McMillan :)