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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Saturday 17 June

Hello everyone.

What a scorching week has been! We have been making sure that the children stay hydrated and that they wear a sun hat when outside. Please could you make sure that your child brings a hat in every day.

We have been busy this week. Year 1 children have been finishing off their science topic on materials by investigating which materials are waterproof and which materials float and sink. They had to think what they might use to construct a boat and justify their decision. We were thinking about strength as well as waterproof and floating properties. In Maths, Year 1s finished of their topic on money by working on adding coins to make different totals. Next week, we will start work on the vocabulary of time.

Year 2s have been working on their history of cars topic. We thought about how cars have changed the lives of everyone in modern times and then looked at how Henry Ford created an assembly line to make cars affordable for everyone. The children worked in their own assembly line to see how many cars they could put together in 5 minutes comparing it with how many could be made in the same time by one person alone. We were amazed at by the comparison - three cars by one person and between 10 and 13 cars by the group. Year 2s also created an obstacle course as part of our Life Skills learning – we wanted to see how positive feedback helps us to achieve.

We all enjoyed the colour run yesterday. Thank you for all the sponsorship money that you sent in.

Next week, we will all be going on our trips – Year 2 to the Motor Museum and Year 1 to Lacock. Please could you make sure that the children have sunscreen applied and that they bring a hat. If there are any parents, who can come on the Year 1 trip, please can you let me know.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Lee

Ladybirds T6 week 2