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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Saturday 8 July

Hello everyone.

We have had a more ‘normal’ week this week apart from the excitement of the Proms in the Playground over at Westbury Juniors, which enlivened Thursday afternoon for the Year 2 children. A great time (and many ice creams) was had by all. The Bratton Silver Band were fantastic. There are no photos as it would have been difficult not to include other children and we were not sure about photo permissions.

Year 1s are thoroughly enjoying our topic on the Great Fire of London and are remembering lots of facts about the fire. This week, they investigated why the fire spread so quickly and why it was so difficult to put out before looking at fire breaks and how they helped to stop the fire reaching the Tower of London. Some of our pictures show the mini London they built before pushing the ‘houses’ to see how the fire spread. In maths, Year 1s completed some end of year assessments on Monday and Tuesday before moving on to learning about counting from 50 to 100 in 1s and in 10s. We carried out lots of practical activities in small groups, as you will see from the photographs. In music, we have been using untuned percussion to play pulse and rhythm.

Year 2s have been continuing their topic on How to Build a Moving Model Car. On Monday, they looked at wheels and axles to decide whether they thought long or short axles or big or small wheels were more effective. In our end of lesson race, we thought that short axles and small wheels were easier to steer although one of the long axles travelled a considerable distance. On Tuesday, the children designed their own model car, which they will be building next week. In life skills, they wrote a letter all about themselves to their new teacher and in computing they created a short animation using a loop and repeat commands within the Scratch Junior programme. We have been continuing to practise our ocarinas.

I hope that you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing the children next week. It will be Sports Day at 10am on Friday 14 July and it would be great to see you there.

Mrs Harper will be teaching Monday, Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday.


Mrs Harper, Miss McVeigh and Mrs Lee