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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Sculptor Leopards

Leopard Class became sculptors this week as they made their leaves for our very own mobile, inspired by Alexander Calder. The children made abstract leaves using different materials to explore with the colour, shapes and lines.

At the end of the week, the children had a go at making their own sculptures out of paper. They were very creative!

In PE, we made a pathway which encouraged the children to travel in different ways, e.g. skipping, running, jumping, climbing, rolling and spinning. 

The children have continued with addition and subtraction in maths. Year 2 have been adding and subtracting within and across a ten, using known facts and number bonds to help them. Year 1 have continued finding parts and wholes to write addition sentences and find number bonds. The children have all worked hard to show their knowledge using apparatus, pictures and recordings in their books.

In English, we have written descriptions for the main character in the story- Lila. We tried to use adjectives, similes and connectives to add information to our sentences for Lila's personality and appearance. Then, we made story maps to show the events of the book.

In computing, we looked at keeping safe online and we looked at how IT can be used to 'Be Creative', 'Be Active', 'Connect', 'Give to Others' and spend some time away from screens to 'Be Mindful'. The children enjoyed exploring the use of Ipads to do this.

We had the pleasure of walking to All Saints Church on Wednesday for our Harvest service. The children sang beautifully and represented the the school really well, an extra well done to the children who read their poem aloud to the audience.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to our Parent Celebration Event on Monday 16th at 2.30pm.

As the weather is definitely now getting chilly, please ensure that your child has a coat in school each day.  Thank you.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)