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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Special Visitors for Leopard Class

On Wednesday, the children had a visit from Trowbridge Museum to give us a workshop and to bring our learning to life. Florence Nightingale herself came to speak to us about her life and what she did to help improve the hospital conditions during the Crimea war and how those changes have made an impact on our hospitals today. We also saw how Mary Seacole would have made her medicines and learnt how she travelled from Jamaica to England and beyond. Also, we played a game to sort the objects and photos into whether they took place before, during or after Florence Nightingale. The children enjoyed it and showed off all of their learning of our new history topic that they have done so far. They listened well and have even referred to the workshop in our lessons following.

In Maths this week the Year 1 children were looking at number lines and place value.  They estimated, using their place value knowledge, as to where numbers should sit on the line. They partitioned numbers by identifying the 10s and 1s and looking at the value of the whole. The Year 2 children continued working through multiplication and division facts, grouping and sharing. They calculated amounts using the 5- and 10-times tables.

We continued looking at different types of poetry in English.  The children used different techniques such as adjectives, metaphors and similes to write a poem in the style of Kit Wright’s poem ‘The Magic Box’, please see some of them in the photos.

In PE, we continued showing amazing progress in our swimming lessons and with their throwing and catching skills.

New reading books will continue to be sent home each Friday but you can use the Oxford Owl log in to access and share books online.  Please continue to support your child with their phonics and reading by visiting the RWI blog each week.



-We have our final swimming lesson on Tuesday afternoon, please remember swimming kits on this day.

-Next week we have our termly parent event on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30.

-This is Mrs Khatri's final week with us in Leopard Class, before she moves on to her next placement. She has been amazing in working with us as a class team and in supporting the children's learning since September. We will definitely miss her!


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)