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Stories with a twist,  Materials that will twist and a new twist to understanding numbers!

Welcome back everyone! It is so nice to see everyone back, ready for an exciting term of learning. I can’t quite believe we have only been back a week as we have started learning about so many things already.  In English we have enjoyed reading the story of the 3 little pigs and then comparing it to the story with a twist, of the 3 little and wolves and the big bad pig! We have looked at similarities and differences between the two stories; learning about using conjunctions to extend our writing – but, because, when and if, and  learning how to use the singular apostrophe to show that somethings belongs to them.

In Science we have started our new topic all about materials.  We enjoyed walking around the school to see what things are made of different materials and how suitable that material is for the job it has to do.  The children enjoyed discussing WHY a chocolate tea pot, or a hammer made of glass would not be a good idea! We then looked at different materials to see if we could make them change shape- would they twist, bend, stretch or squash?

Finally in maths the year 1 children have worked really hard on finding number bonds to 20 by using their knowledge of number bonds to 10.  They have also started to look at finding doubles of numbers.  In year 2 we added a twist to our number sentences by starting to look at grouping and using the multiplication sign for repeated addition.  We are starting to realise that if we have a lot of things to count, counting is groups is a lot quicker than one at a time, and using the X sign is quicker that writing out repeated additions + + + + +

I think we have all earned a long rest over the weekend! Well done Panda class you are showing a super learning attitude.  Have a lovely weekend x