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Sunflowers and Music!

What a wonderful week we have had in Meerkat class.  Looking through the photographs it is hard to believe that was all in one week!

The children created pictograms in Computing this week.  They used QR codes to open a programme and then gathered data by asking each other about their favourite animals.  We then created a whole class pictogram about our favourite fruits – it appears strawberries are the favourite fruit for meerkats!

We continued with developing our tennis skills in our outdoor PE session.  The children have perfected their bear pose showing that they are on their toes and ready for the ball!  We practiced bouncing and catching tennis balls with precision before bouncing to partners.  As always, fantastic teamwork and encouragement shown to each other.

We will be writing instructions in English next week, so we had to follow some first.  Inspired by our new book ‘From a tiny seed to a mighty tree’ by Ruth Owens,  we planted sunflower seeds.  We had to listen carefully to the instructions and then follow them.  We have 30 little seeds planted and hopefully we will see some shoots in a few weeks.

Maths was all about finding the mass of objects.  The Year 1 children used cubes to find the mass whilst the Year 2 children began to look at grams and kilograms.  They then compared the mass of objects, identifying which was the heaviest and which the lightest.

Continuing our Henri Rousseau topic.  We practised using pastels to create effects with colour.  The children then used the techniques to colour their jungle animal.  The children really thought about which technique best suited their animals’ fur, coat or feathers– be it long wavy lines, short strokes, blended lines or a stippling effect.  We then mixed primary coloured powder paints to create a secondary colour.  Once this was achieved the children experimented to create darker and lighter shades. Watch this space for the final piece.

On Wednesday the children were treated to a concert from a Medieval Duo.  The two visiting musicians brought in a variety of instruments in for the children to see and listen to.  The children enthusiastically clapped along to the music and even had a dance at the end.  They heard bagpipes, a drum, a harp, an early style of violin and a willow flute.  It really was an amazing opportunity for the children to experience which I am sure you have heard all about.

Thank you for continuing to support your child with their reading and phonics.  Please see the RWI blog to access videos which you can watch at home. 

The weather has turned very cold again, please ensure that your child has a warm and waterproof coat in school every day.  We go outside for all playtimes unless the weather is very wet.  Also, the children do not wear their outdoor shoes in class so please do send in slippers to keep those little feet nice and toasty.

Next week, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning.  Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk