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The start of a new term for Leopards!

Leopard Class have made an amazing start back into Term 4. They have been enthusiastic with their learning and have all become fantastic artists as part of our new topic. We have begun a new art topic all about the French artist Henri Rousseau. He painted artwork inspired by the jungle, despite not actually seeing one. He used his imagination instead and broke rules of art. This week, we used our observation skills to sketch leaves and add shading using blending, cross-hatching and stippling techniques. Then, the children had a go at drawing animals. As you can see, they have done a fantastic job.

In English, we looked at the story of 'The Last Wolf', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ4yjGGYhcA. The children compared the story to 'Little Red Riding Hood' and wrote a book review to share their opinion of the story.

The children have been look at length and height in maths this week. They have measured using standard (cm/m) and non-standard (cubes) units of measure and have compared the length and height of different objects using the vocabulary; shorter, taller and longer. 

New reading books will continue to be sent home each Friday but you can also use the Oxford Owl log in to access and share books online. Let me know if you require a copy of your child’s log in details. Please continue to support your child with their phonics and reading by reading daily with your child and visiting the RWI blog, please follow the link.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-23rd-February-2024-23022024202949/

PE will continue to take place on Mondays (indoor) and Thursdays (outdoor). Please ensure the children come in wearing their PE kits on that day. 

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts / joggers for outdoor PE
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Plimsolls (daps)


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)