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The start of a new term for Leopards

We have jumped straight back into learning and the children have done some amazing work already this term!

We have started looking at a new book in English called ‘Where the poppies now grow.’ by Hilary Robinson.  It is all about World War I and the children done a great job at joining in with the repetitive parts of the story. The children have been recognising the nouns and verbs used, using songs to help them know what they are. We have used drama into our learning by pretending to be soldiers so they could describe what they could see, hear, smell, taste and feel. They then worked in groups to share their ideas before putting their ideas into sentences.

In our History topic we have been learning about Remembrance Day. The children have linked their understanding to our English book and thought about what poppies mean and why we wear them. Then, the children painted poppies and we combined them to create a wreath to put on our classroom window.

In maths, we have continued with addition and subtraction, using different apparatus and ways to represent our calculations.

This week in PE, we used our balance and travelling skills from last term and challenged ourselves to walk along a straight line forwards and backwards. It was raining a lot for our outdoor PE session so we took it into the hall. This term, we are looking at hockey. We looked at the equipment we will be using and how to use it properly and safely, before practising our dribbling skills.

In music, we started looking at instruments by exploring what sounds they make and how we can change it using different pressure, changing pace or hitting different notes. The children really enjoyed this!

In computing, the children looked at photography and what devices we can use to take pictures. We discussed when we can take them and how to capture a photo properly. Then, the chidlren used these skills to complete six different tasks- take a photo of a building, object, a person, something in the distance, an action shot and of course, a selfie! As you can see the results are very sweet!


We hope you have a lovely weekend and safe bonfire night!

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



-As the weather is getting colder and raining more regularly, can the children please bring in a coat into school everyday.

-Mrs Watts will be taking Leopard Class on Thursday for Miss McMillan's planning time.

-On Friday we have individual school photos so please can all of the children have a school jumper to wear. 

-Year 1 cake sale is after school on Friday. Please bring any donations to the classroom.

-School books are continuing to be given out every Friday, please ensure the children have their old books in their bags ready to be returned. Thank you!