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Trains and Travel

This week in Millipedes we have been exploring the local area and methods of travel. We have exploring the children’s extensive knowledge of the local area.

The children had a great time building and traveling on our make-believe train on Thursday. They each made a ticket with their desired destination and travel there in style!  

Writing this week has been heavily influenced by our talk of travel. With the class taking such an interest in the topic this week the writing has been spectacular and we should all be so proud of them.


1 millipedes 12/05/23


The children are continuing in their RWI groups. I am currently taking purple group and the children are doing well with the new, more challenging, content! The RWI blog is really helpful for practicing at home. Follow the link below and select your child’s group, there you should find the relevant documents for that group should you wish to continue phonics learning at home.

If you have any questions regarding RWI please ask or see the link to the Read Write Inc Blog below.



See you next week for our first full week in awhile!  

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! 😊


Mr. Horniman, Mrs Smith and Mrs Rockey