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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Welcome Back Beetles!

It was so lovely to welcome back the Beetles after the Easter break. We have hit the ground running with our learning and have enjoyed an action packed week. 

The children took part in Scootability. This helped the children understand how to have fun on their scooters in a safe and respectful way. I had great fun in my acting role (as a pedestrian) while the children practiced safely and respectfully passing me with beautiful manners. The skills the children learnt are essential life skills that will help to keep them safe near roads and on their scooters. We had a fantastic, talented children who was the photographer for the Scootability, so I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures that he captured. 

The children began their History topic by looking at the life of Mary Anning. As historians, they wanted to find out what it was like to be a fossil hunter, like Mary Anning. They used tools to uncover fossils that were hidden in sand. They had to be very careful with how they treated the fossils, like Mary Anning, so they stayed intact. 

The children also used the Sensory Garden as a calm setting to enjoy their reading. The children find the Sensory Garden a relaxing place to read and a wonderful area to explore. While we were there, some children helped to weed some areas and we took the opportunity to smell the herbs. Mindful activities help promote wellbeing and the children were able to focus on their learning really well after a change of scenery and some much needed time outdoors. 

Beetles 29-04