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Westonbirt and Glass Workshop for Leopards

This week, we have been luck enough to have a variety of different experiences.

First, on Monday and Thursday, the children had the opportunity to make a minibeast in a glass workshop. The plan is to put all of them together to make a larger creation for the whole of KS1. The children had a great time and you can see how amazing they are.

On Wednesday, we went with Meerkats and Bees to Westonbirt Arboretum. The children were able to learn about different trees, see a range of sculptures and carry out a minibeast hunt. They loved to collect and see different signs of nature and really enjoyed referring their understanding of Autumn, micro-habitats and animals throughout the day. The children were a credit to the school and we would like to say a big thank you to the adults who came along to support us.

In the afternoons, we carried on with our new art topic. We looked at different sculptures and thought about what they looked liked/ what they were made out of to group them. The children made their own sculptures using a variety of materials and on Friday, we learned about real and abstract art. Then, we drew leaves with a real and abstract interpretation. 

In maths, we continued with addition and subtraction and identified different number sentences after finding parts and wholes.

In our English lessons, we have been sharing our new class book ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ by David Conway and Jude Daly. The children have been introduced to our main character and used the text to identify nouns.

Thank you for those who attended the parents evening, it was a pleasure to see all of you and share the children's learning. They have been working so hard and they truly are a credit to you all. Please do let me know if you were unable to attend and would like an appointment.

Next week, on Wednesday 11th October, we have our harvest service at All Saints Church. This event in open to the parents of Reception children.  However, we do need some help for this event, walking the children to and from the church and sitting with the children during the service.  If you are able to help please drop me an email or see me Monday morning-  class4@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)