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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

What a Start!

Giraffe Class have positively blown my socks off this week. It's like they have always been in the class. They have listened beautifully and have settled back into the routines of school and the class.

These first few days have all been about exploring the classroom, finding our way around and getting to know our new friends. In maths we have been exploring numbers, how they are made, sorting objects and accurate counting. We have used our number cards to order numbers and represented them in different ways.

In our science we have been looking at whether an object is living, dead or never alive and the different habitats. The children have been investigating MRS GREN and the different life processes. You will have received a knowledge organiser to chat through together to support the learning we are doing in school. 

As always, the RWI links will be on the blogs, ask your child if you are unsure of their group. Reading at home will really benefit the children and is the best way you can support your child. 

PE day in Giraffe Class is a Friday. Children need to come to school wearing a white t-shirt, school jumper and shorts or jogging bottoms. After half term, the children will also have PE on a Wednesday but this term it is replaced by swimming. 

We will be swimming every Tuesday afternoon. We will leave school promptly at 1.35 and return before the end of the day. All children will need a swimming costume, towel and swimming cap. 

Mrs Watts will be in class next Thursday and Friday to cover Mrs Russam's PPA. If you have any problems please use the class email class2@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk. or come and chat to a grown up before or after school.