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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

World Book Day and lots of Water!

 What a fantastic week we have had!  The children had a wonderful World Book Day! Lots of amazing costumes all based around a word.  Vibrant, spotty, bendy, iridescent, sleepy, magical, gamer, sleepover are just a few!

The children are all enjoying their weekly swimming lessons.  I am very proud of them all.  Lots of brilliant swimming, kicking legs and splashing!  This week, the children had to swim a width on their front and their backs.  They all did so well.

We have also been using water in our math's lessons this week.  The children have been learning about volume and capacity, filling different containers and reading the scales.

In English, we have been writing our own set of instructions on how to grow either a bean or a carnation seed.  The children worked in pairs and had to think what needs to be included when writing instructions.

Don’t Forget

Please sign up for parents evening. 

PE kits need to be worn on Wednesdays and swim wear on Tuesday please.

Red Nose day is March 15th so please wear something red and bring a donation.

Finally, on 22nd March, it is our Easter Church service and we would love some volunteers to help us walk to the Church. 


Have a lovely weekend!