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Writing stories and testing materials for Leopards

The children have worked so hard this week with their learning and their books capture this.

In English, the children planned and wrote their own stories based on the 'Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig'. They created their own characters and described them using adjectives, before using their ideas to write a beginning, middle and end. The children loved writing their own stories and it was great to see them enjoy the process.

In maths, the Year 1 children have been using number lines to add and subtract numbers and find missing numbers. The Year 2 children have been grouping and sharing amounts to develop their understanding of multiplication and division, including drawing arrays.

We came to the end of our materials science unit this week and the children wrote everything they learned in their end of unit essay. Earlier on in the week, the children were hands on as they 'worked scientifically' by testing different materials to see which one would be best to make a school uniform. They made a prediction, tested materials, recorded results and wrote a conclusion. They also used their observation skills to guess what materials were in different bags, and explained how they knew.

In PE, the children practised their throwing and catching skills to themselves. They had great fun trying to work through the challenges and developing their confidence. 

On Monday, we learned a new song in music- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z2nBYsKeII- we certainly had a laugh trying to learn in and the children did an amazing job.



-PE kits are needed on a Monday and Tuesday.

-Swimming will take place on Tuesday afternoon.
Please put the children in suitable clothing to ensure they are able to get themselves dressed after being in the pool.

-Miss McMillan will be in class all week.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)