Affordable Schools
The principles of ‘affordable schooling’ are as follows and at Westbury Infant School school we adhere to these principles in our strive for inclusivity:
- Cost of living can affect us all. We may all experience life changing events at some point in our lives
- Schools are at the centre of communities- they can make a difference
- Every day, in every interaction, however small, there may be an opportunity to bring about positive changes for children
WIS Affordability Team

Stacey Budge, Headteacher
Amy Rockey, SENDCo
Florence Emerson, School Business Manager
Minnie House, Chair of Governors
Results of the Parent Survey
Cost of Living Crisis - Support
Cost of living information and support for parents and carers
At Westbury Infant School, we understand that the cost of supporting your children through school can put pressure on your household budgets. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in money worries for many more families and now we are facing even further pressures with increases in cost of living for essentials like food, heating and fuel.
We understand how difficult it can be when children are unable to participate in activities in the way they would like to, when costs get in the way. We want all our children to feel comfortable and confident in school and be able to participate in everything that is on offer. We want to do all we can to make every school day affordable for all our families and to help you find the support you might need if you have money concerns.
Getting help
It can be difficult to talk about money worries. People finding it hard to make ends meet often hang on and try and sort things out themselves; not seeking help until the situation has become very difficult. Whatever the issues you are facing we would encourage you to ask for support before things get that way. There is no shame in seeking support and both the school and the help organisations listed below will help with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Please talk to us about your concerns so that we can work together to ensure your child can access everything on offer whatever the cost. Our Family Support Worker is Mrs Natalie Smith
There are also many sources of support from both local and national organisations. Here are some key agencies that we recommend:
Please read the document below for signposting and other ways that might help your situation.
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