Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011.
It is allocated to children from low-income families who were eligible for free school meals (FSM), children of service personnel (Forces) and those who had been looked after continuously for more than six months (LAC).
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium Grant is funding that is allocated to schools for pupils to support disadvantaged pupils.
In 2012-3 eligibility for the Pupil Premium Grant was extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point during the last six years (known as the Ever6 Free School Meals measure).
At Westbury Infants, all members of staff, including governors accept responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment. We are committed to ‘Narrowing the Gap’ between vulnerable pupils and the Pupil Premium Grant forms a vital part of that process. We receive funding for looked after children (LAC) and for every pupil who has received free school meals over the past 6 years. Schools are able to use this funding as they see fit but are required to report on how the money was spent.
The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
How it is used at WIS
Schools decide how to spend the money to meet needs and close the gaps that children may have in their academic, personal, emotional or family needs; these can be long or short term needs. This money enables us to use additional resources (items and people) and provide opportunities to enable children to achieve their personal potential. Money is not ringfenced and does not have to be spent on the individual child for which the school received funding.
At our school, Pupil Premium is used in a variety of ways, including:
- support high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development e.g TAs to support teaching and learning in the classroom,
- provide targeted academic support, such as dedicated interventions, support and encouragement for phonics, maths, handwriting and Speech and language
- tackle non-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties with attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing e.g. providing toast for every child, Thrive and our Family Support Worker
- provide new technology and specific resources to engage disadvantaged learners and to support them in smaller group or individual interventions
Principles informing the use of the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
School provision should meet the needs of all learnersA range of factors can be used to categorise pupils as being socially disadvantaged, including those that are eligible for free school meals (FSM) and some looked after children (LAC)
Pupils eligible for free school meals sometimes can have other factors that can be a barrier to learning (e.g. special educational needs)
The school will strive to ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils have their needs quickly identified in order to overcome any barriers identified
The PPG will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receivingFSM’s will be in receipt of Pupil Premium interventions at any one time
A high priority focus for spending of the PPG will relate to securing the best rates of progress for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure
At Westbury Infants, we ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of every one of our pupils. To enable every child to achieve his or her potential, we work to eliminate any barriers to learning by providing appropriate and targeted support.
We recognise that not all children from low-income families will be socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged will be eligible for pupil premium.
As well as considering barriers to learning we analyse performance data for each cohort of children in the school, this allows us to identify which children are under-performing and where we should use pupil premium money to enhance provision.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-27 (1st year of 3)Our key steps for ensuring successful expenditure of pupil premium funding are:
- Ensuring there is an in-depth analysis of data
- Identification of specific children who are underperforming
- Identification of specific barriers to learning through discussions with class teachers and parents/carers
- Recognising barriers to learning for children in our community and disadvantaged children in general
- Creating appropriate interventions to combat identified barriers to learning
Further principles being developed to ensure our pupil premium children make progress:
- Improving day to day teaching for all
- Setting high expectations for all
- Extended learning out of school
- Ensuring all staff are aware of who their pupil premium and vulnerable children are
- Ensuring all staff are involved in the analysis of data for pupil premium children
- Increasing parental engagement