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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

School Uniform

All children are expected to wear full school uniform. We no longer keep uniform in school - all purchases are to be made from Scholars in Trowbridge.

Our unisex school uniform consists of:

  • Dark grey or black skirt or grey or black trousers
  • A school sweatshirt or cardigan with logo (purchased from Scholars, Trowbridge)
  • A white shirt or plain white polo shirt
  • Dark school shoes (not trainers)
  • Grey or black school shorts
  • Blue and white checked summer dresses (optional)
  • School book bag
  • Wellies
  • Slippers (for wearing indoors, sensible style please) 

Our P.E. Kit consists of:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • A plain black shorts
  • Black plimsols (slip-on/velcro)
  • A named P.E. bag

All items should be clearly labelled with your child's name, please.

Items now available from Scholars in Trowbridge

School jumper  School cardigan 
Book Bags  PE Bags 


 We also have available preloved uniforms in various sizes for sale in the school office. These are priced at £1 each. Please inform the school office if you would like to purchase.