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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 13th January 2023

Run Run as fast as you can!

This week, the children have really enjoyed listening to and retelling the story, ‘The Gingerbread man’. We have read different versions of the story and have started to compare the similarities and differences. In the creative area, the children have made their own gingerbread people using scented dough and loose parts.

Dragonflies Gingerbread Man

In our maths sessions the children have looked at how zero can be represented in different ways. Towards the end of the week, we looked at comparing numbers using the language more than and fewer than. In one session, we investigated the ways to make five by playing a throwing game. The children took it in turns to throw five beanbags. We looked at how many beanbags landed in the hoop and how many outside the hoop. Following the main session, the children enjoyed a game of tiddlywinks to show their knowledge of number bonds that make five.

Dragonflies Maths T3 W2

The children were very excited on Tuesday to discover the apparatus out in the hall. They had great fun exploring the different pieces of equipment and moving in different ways.

Dragonflies Gym


The children started their new groups in Read Write Inc this week. If you would like to support your child with their phonic knowledge then check out our RWI blog:


Next week we will continue to look at the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.

Staffing Next Week:

Mon: Miss Adlam and Mrs Gibbs (Mon Morning)/Miss Thrippleton and Miss Adlam (PM)

Tues: Mrs Bayley and Miss Adlam

Wed/Thurs/Fri – Miss Thrippleton & Miss Adlam