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Zebra Class Blog (Y1)

Welcome to our new blog for 2023-24!  We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in  Year 1.

Image by Ron Dauphin on Unsplash

Our Class teachers are Mrs A. Rockey (Mon and Tues) and Mrs L. Channon (Wed-Fri).  Mrs E. Millard will be in class on alternate Wednesday mornings for Mrs Channon's PPA. Our teaching assistant is Ms C. McVeigh.

We have indoor PE every Thursday and outdoor PE every Tuesday, children need to come to school on both days in their PE kit please.

YR Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24

YR Writing Curriculum 2023-24     Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2023-24 

School Reading Spine 2023-24 

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  • Friday 19 July 2024 Happy holidays Zebra Class! Wow! It is hard to believe that this is the very last blog of the year and we have come to the end of our time in Zebra Class. What an absolutely amazing year we have had together, with so much growth in so many different ways. Mrs Channon, Miss
  • Thursday 11 July 2024 Zebra Music This week we were luck to have a band come and visit us. They played music using their instruments and we were able to clap along to the beat of the song.
  • Friday 5 July 2024 Moving cars! This week, we have been very busy making our moving cars for our DT project. First, the children designed and labelled their plans for their cars and then the making process could begin!
  • Friday 28 June 2024 Zebra Colour Run The children had a great time at our colour run this afternoon, There was bubbles and tunnels and lots of colour!! Thank you to everyone that supported this event all the money goes back into school to help fund the amazing school trips we offer.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 Money, money, money! We have had another busy week in Zebra Class. It is hard to believe we are almost half-way through this term already!
  • Thursday 13 June 2024 Zebra motor museum trip The Zebras had a wonderful time visiting the motor museum, today. The got to see lots of different cars and actually sit in some of them. We saw the oldest car designed by Karl Benz up close which reminded us how cars have changed over time. It was great to see it so close having looked at lots of pictures in the classroom.
  • Thursday 6 June 2024 Beep beep! Welcome to Term 6!
  • Thursday 23 May 2024 Zebra Sports Day We had a great time taking part in our sports day this year. It was a different way of doing it but the children loved the different activities and it was great hearing them cheer their team on and supporting one another.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Sewing fun! This week, the children have become experts at sewing! They started the week by designing their own hand puppet, choosing fabric, buttons, pipe cleaners and other materials to accessorise their puppets. The children then practised using a simple running stitch in readiness for joining the fabric for their hand puppet together. On Wednesday afternoon, some of the parents and grandparents joined Zebra Class to help sew our hand puppets (thank you, grown ups!) The finished products are amazing and look just like our original designs. Please take a look at our puppets below- I think you will agree that they look fantastic!
  • Thursday 9 May 2024 Sports Day Ready The children are loving the opportunity to go swimming every week and their confidence in the water is really improving. We are so proud of them all.
  • Friday 3 May 2024 Friday 3rd May 2024 We have had a another busy week in Zebra Class! The children are really enjoying their swimming sessions every Tuesday afternoon and it is wonderful to see how much their water confidence is increasing week by week. I am very proud of all the children. If you have any availability to help at the pool this Tuesday (7th May) or the following Tuesday (14th May), please drop me an email:
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 Our trip to Noah's Ark This week we went to visit Noah's Arc Farm Park. We had an amazing day and were able to see the animals up close. We were amazed by how big the elephants were and we were really lucky to have our lunch while we watched them. We loved seeing the Zebras and watching them move across their field. We all had different favourite animals, Mrs Channon loved the giraffes and Miss McVeigh loved the bears. It was a wonderful day out and the children were really well behaved.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Swimming begins! Welcome to Term 5 Zebra Class! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and didn't eat too much chocolate!!
  • Wednesday 27 March 2024 Happy Easter Zebras Thank you to all the parents that came to our parent event at the start of the week. The children always love sharing what they have been learning about and having time with you in their classroom. We hope you found the phonic session useful and enjoyed making some flowers with your children.
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Plants and Rosie Red! This week in Zebra Class, we have continued to work really hard.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Zebra science This week we have started our new topic about plants. We have already thought about the parts of the plant and labled it and then on Wednesday we had a visitor from a garden centre to show us lots of different plants and explain how they grew. We learnt that plants can grow from a seed or a bulb. We then had a chance in our classroom to explore different seeds and bulbs and think about how they were different.
  • Friday 8 March 2024 Capacity and World Book Day We have had another busy week in Zebra Class. The children have worked exceptionally hard in Maths this week. We have been thinking about capacity (the maximum amount something can hold) and volume (how much is actually inside). The children have used water and pasta to explore the terms 'full', 'empty', 'half full', 'nearly full' and 'nearly empty'. They have also started to compare and order the capacity of different containers.
  • Friday 1 March 2024 Medieval music This week we had an exciting music duo showing us different examples of medieval instruments. They played different tunes on them and explained what they were made out of. It was fascinating to hear the different sounds that could be made by a piece of willow, a cows horn and a piece of bone. They also talked about how the strings were made from horses hair. The children clapped along to the beat and learnt actions to the oldest song recorded as the duo played and sang along.
  • Friday 23 February 2024 Term 4 Welcome to Term 4 everybody! We hope you had a really lovely, restful half-term break.
  • Wednesday 7 February 2024 Zebra Parent event We had a very successful parent event this week, thank you so much for everyone that was able to attend. The children loved sharing with you what we have have been learning in our history topic. I am amazed at how much they have remembered and can recall about Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole. In fact lots of you told me the children have taught you new things, which is great!
  • Thursday 1 February 2024 Zebra Workshop visit This week the children have had a fantastic experience. The Trowbridge Museum came to us with a workshop to bring our learning to life. Florence Nightingale came herself to speak to us about her life and what she did to help improve the hospital conditions during the Crimea war and how those changes have made an impact on our hospitals today. We also saw how Mary Seacole would have made her medicines and learnt how she traveled from Jamaica to England and beyond.
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Florence and Haikus! This week, we started our new history topic called 'The Nurturing Nurses!'. The children found out about Florence Nightingale and how she was so important in the Crimean War. She helped the injured soldiers and taught everyone about the need for clean, sterile hospitals. Florence ('The Lady With The Lamp') really did change nursing forever! The children looked at old photographs of Florence and used their historical enquiry skills to find out about her life. They asked questions and acted like detectives to find clues about what her role might have been like. The children then carried out some role play, pretending to be both wounded soldiers and Florence.
  • Friday 19 January 2024 materials This week we have continued to explore different materials, we used feely bags this week to describe what we could feel and then think about what material it could be. We used some great scientific vocabulary including rigid, flexible, smooth, hard, soft, rough.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Happy New Year Zebras Welcome back everyone, has it only been 1 week? I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new term of learning.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Happy New Year Zebras Welcome back everyone, has it only been 1 week? I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new term of learning.
  • Thursday 14 December 2023 Christmas in Zebras Well the count down to Christmas is well and truly on. The children delivered 2 fantastic performances this week using their big voices and beautiful singing. It was wonderful to see them confidently taking part with the other classes.
  • Friday 8 December 2023 Shape Sorters This week we have been learning to sort shapes and look at different patterns using them. We made repeating patterns and symmetrical patterns. We used playdoh to press in patterns and the 2d shapes.
  • Friday 1 December 2023 Chair drumming This week we have continued to explore the beat of a tune and we have had a go at chair drumming. The children had a great time using the beaters to follow the beat to the tune of The Wellerman and We will rock you. They kept time well and followed the notes on the screen. It was lots of fun but Mrs Channon had a bit of a headache by the end of the session :-)
  • Friday 24 November 2023 Aquarium visit The children have had a wonderful visit to the aquarium today. We looked at all the different fish and where they lived. We had a tour around the aquarium and got to feed the fish. We loved walking through the tunnel and spotting sharks, rays and a big fish called Shirley. I expect the children will sleep well tonight.
  • Friday 17 November 2023 How do we stay fit and healthy? This week we have continued to learn about what animals and humans need to stay alive and how they can stay fit and healthy. We carried out an experiment to find out what happened to our pulse after exercise and found out that your heart beats much faster. Your breathing becomes quicker too and you can become hot and sweaty. This is because your body (muscles) needs more oxygen as you exercise and so your heart has to work harder to pump the blood around your body.
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