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Giraffe Class Blog (Y1/2)

Welcome to our new blog for 2023-24!  We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in Year 1 and 2.

Image by Valeria Hutter on Unsplash

Our Class teachers are Mrs S. Russam and Mrs E. Millard (alternate Thursdays and every Friday).  Our teaching assistant is Mrs V. Fitz-Henry-Roe.

We have indoor PE every Friday and outdoor PE every Wednesday, children need to come to school on Wednesday and Friday in their PE kit please.

Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2023-24

School Reading Spine 2023-24 


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  • Friday 19 July 2024 Happy Holidays! It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the year. It has been wonderful to watch the children grown and prepare them for their next adventure, wherever it may be!
  • Friday 12 July 2024 PE Fun! It’s hard to believe that the end of term is so close. We are keeping up with the routines in class but also having a lot of fun as well!
  • Friday 5 July 2024 All about the cars! This week has been all about the construction of the cars. The children have been amazing at following their designs to create their own moving cars.
  • Friday 28 June 2024 Computing and Axles! After finishing our History topic about cars, we have moved onto looking at how cars are made in preparation for our DT topic. First, we had to look at make sure we could name the different parts of the cars, then we spent time investigating the axle and what happens if its length is changed. We used dowel, cotton buds, straws and different size wheels to see what we could discover! It was an interesting and very fun afternoon!
  • Friday 21 June 2024 Money! This week we have finished our History topic about cars. We were introduced to Henry Ford and how he used the assembly line to help speed up production. We had a go at making our own cars except we had to use cocktail sticks, playdough and cheerios for wheels! It was very quick to make them and we had to work together as part of a team.
  • Friday 14 June 2024 Cars Everywhere! What an exciting week in Giraffe Class. It was the last of our school trips and we had the most fantastic time.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Cars and Ocarinas Welcome back to Term 6! Where has this year gone? Hopefully we will have the sun shining and can enjoy the last few weeks in Giraffe Class.
  • Friday 24 May 2024 Sporty Giraffes This term has flown by and the children are ready for the break. Hopefully we will get some good weather!
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Super Sewing! This week has been all about the sewing. Thank you so much to all the grown ups that came into help with threading our needles and helping us to complete the running stitch. Our puppets look amazing and they are on display in the classroom. The children were all able to follow their designs and decorate their puppets using their plans.
  • Tuesday 7 May 2024 Sewing Skills We have continued this week with our learning about the Big Five and we have moved on to our DT topic, making puppets.
  • Thursday 2 May 2024 Halfway! It is hard to believe that we are now halfway through the term. It is flying and so are the children. We have spoken a lot this week about choices we are able to make and how they can be both good and bad. It has been interesting to see the difference when were make good, positive choices.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 Noah's Ark! There is only one thing that can be talked about this week and that is our most amazing trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo. This was to reinforce all of our learning about Kenya and what could be found there. The children looked at the Big 5, a group of animals found in Africa. Along with looking at these we also saw, zebras, giraffes (Mrs Russam’s favourite), meerkats, bears and a selection of birds. There were just too many to mention.
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 Summer Term Skills! Wow! What a start to the term. The children have come back rested and ready to learn. It’s hard to believe that we are so close to the end of the school year, it is flying by.
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 Easter and Scooters! Wow! What a week! The end of term is here already. Thank you to everyone who came to the parent event on Monday. The flowers were a huge success and it is wonderful to celebrate all of the fantastic learning that you are so supportive with.
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Graphs and Tennis It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of term. The children have excelled this term and have really flourished in all areas of the curriculum, especially all of their knowledge about plants for our topic.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Plants Everywhere! The end of term is coming around quickly and the children continue to go from strength to strength.
  • Thursday 7 March 2024 Dressing Up! Wow! The children really excelled themselves this week when dressing up as a word for World Book Day. It was wonderful to see all the different vocabulary that came to school!
  • Friday 1 March 2024 Music and Art What another fabulous week in Giraffe class.
  • Friday 23 February 2024 Leaves and Maths! Wow! What a start to the term! It is hard to believe that we are already over half way through the year. It is amazing to think how far the children have come. We welcome Miss Wood to Giraffe class who is a student from Bath Spa and will be working with us until early June. You might sometimes see her outside in the morning or after school, this is part of her development as a teacher, please do come and say hello to her. Obviously, myself and Mrs Millard will still be your first rot of call for any worries or concerns.
  • Friday 9 February 2024 Half Term is Here! It was wonderful to see so many of you at our parent event this week. The children have fully embraced the History topic and have loved learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We have looked at their lives, how they changed nursing, their role in society and why they are remembered. We had a super time making medals and think about who we were making the medal for and significant pictures that could go onto them. The children used the skills of their nurse knowledge to help write a recount about the visitors from Trowbridge museum
  • Friday 2 February 2024 A Victorian Visit! Our History has continued this week and we have been making plaques to show why we remember Florence Nightingale. The children had to think about the most important reasons then list them. They then had to think about a small picture to add to it. We were then lucky enough to have a visit from Trowbridge Museum who helped bring the whole topic alive and introduced us to another fantastic person, Mary Seacole.
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Nurturing Nurses! We have turned into Historians this week and begun an amazing topic on Florence Nightingale. The children have had the most fantastic time pretending to be nurses and doctors and practised their skills using a bandage. We have looked at how Florence changed hospitals from smelly, unhygienic places to the clean and sanitised place we are used to.
  • Friday 19 January 2024 Material Everywhere! This week has been all about Science. We have had the most fantastic time continuing to investigate different materials. We started out by looking at the best material to make our school uniforms. We tested 5 different materials to see what happened and which one was hard wearing. We unanimously decided that fabric was the best material as when we tested it, the only thing that changed was it got dirty (what’s new!!). Then we had 4 magic bags that arrived in school containing 4 different materials. We weren’t allowed to look inside but use our senses and questioning skills to decide which material was hiding! We had great fun and used some amazing questions about the properties of materials.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Back with a Bang! Wow! What a start to the new year. The children have been amazing! They have come back relaxed, rested and more importantly so ready to learn.
  • Friday 15 December 2023 Showstoppers! There is only one thing that can be written about this week and that is the absolutely amazing performance the children put on not once but twice! They were fantastic. All of the pictures of the children can be found below.
  • Friday 8 December 2023 Christmas Fever! The Christmas spirit is certainly hitting Giraffe Class and Hot Chocolate our kindness elf has been watching us all from the top of the Christmas tree.
  • Wednesday 29 November 2023 Weather! It has been another busy but strangely relaxing time in Giraffe Class this week. WE have begun a new topic looking at the weather. The children have become meteorologists and have looked at the weather each day. They had a go at making the different weather symbols and the Year 2 children recapped on some of the work from last year looking at the United Kingdom. We then thought about the weather in the different seasons and how it can change a lot!
  • Thursday 23 November 2023 All about the Aquarium! It was lovely to be in class last Friday and it gave me the rare opportunity to teach the children their computing and indoor PE. The children have been looking at how to take a good photograph and using different ways to balance along a line.
  • Thursday 16 November 2023 Flying Through the Weeks The week has absolutely flown by and we have continued to have great fun in Giraffe Class.
  • Wednesday 8 November 2023 Amazing Poems The children are positively flourishing in class and it is wonderful to see the progress they are making.
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