Leopard Class Blog (Y1/2)
Welcome to our new blog for 2024-25! We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in Year 1 and 2.
Image by Edward Quick on Unsplash
Our Class teachers are Miss K. McMillan and Mrs M. Rous (alternate Fridays). Our teaching assistant is Mrs V. Fitz Henry Roe.
We have indoor PE every Monday and outdoor PE every Friday, children need to come to school on both days in their PE kit please.
Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2024-25 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2024-25
Friday 7 February 2025 Fruit salad, yummy yummy! In English, the children have written the fantastic non-chronological reports all about some landmarks in London and how amazing it is. They all included features in their writing and thought about some great did you know facts!
Friday 31 January 2025 UK's traditional treats Leopard Class started a new topic in DT this week, we are looking at 'Where in the UK do these traditional treats come from and can I make a healthy snack to go with them?' We started the week by learning about recipes and the importance of following them in order, to practise we made playdough. On Thursday, we had a very busy morning of making scones, a traditional treat for England. The children were ready to add all of the ingredients together and learn new skills such as mixing, pinching, kneeding, rolling and cutting. At the end of the day, we had a mini tea party and tried our scones, with jam, and a bit of Welsh cake. Mrs Kerbey kindly baked fifteens (Northern Irish) and Shortbread (Scottish) for us to try on Friday afternoon. The children loved all of the treats they tried! Next week we will be continuing our DT topic and practising our cutting skills when we make fruit salads.
Friday 24 January 2025 The UK, maths and diary writing This week has been full of fantastic learning.
Friday 17 January 2025 Geography, maths and instruments This week, in English, we built on our understanding of the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' by ordering and retelling the events. We also thought about asking questions to Mr Grinling. The children had a go at putting themselves into his shoes and answered each other's questions. Finally, we used our inference skills to think about how other characters in the story were feeling.
Friday 10 January 2025 A cold start to a new term! Welcome back to Term 3! Leopard Class have made another amazing start back and leapt straight into their learning.
Friday 13 December 2024 Christmas performance! WOW! We are all so proud of the children, they were amazing in their Christmas nativity performance! They spoke their lines clearly, sang beautifully and danced enthusiastically. Great job :)
Friday 6 December 2024 DT and shapes The kindness elves arrived in class on Monday and we loved sprinkling glitter over her to begin her magic. After completing a vote, Leopard Class named our elf Daisy.
Friday 29 November 2024 Shapes and Leaflets We started looking at leaflets in English this week, the children explored different leaflets to identify their features and started to plan and write one to encourage people to visit the SS Great Britain.
Friday 22 November 2024 Brunel's SS Great Britain! The highlight of this week was definitely our trip to the SS Great Britain. In History, we have been learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his famous achievements, our trip allowed us to bring this to life and see one of his famous ships first hand.
Friday 15 November 2024 More History and lots of maths What a lovely, comfortable end to the week with everyone dressed in pyjamas for Children in Need! Well done and thank you for all of the donations made.
Friday 8 November 2024 Leopards leaping back into another term! Hope you had a lovely half term break. The children have come back in ready to learn and have done exactly this.
Friday 18 October 2024 Superworm, our bodies and senses First of all, it was lovely to see you all this week at Parent’s evening to share how well the children have settled into class, the new school year and to share their fantastic learning with you.
Friday 11 October 2024 Jumping, music and science This week, we have continued our work on Monkey Puzzle and have been retelling the story. The children have used adjectives and conjunctions to extend their sentences and have been working hard with our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. As you can see from the pictures of some of the work, the children did a fantastic job!
Friday 20 September 2024 Clay sculptures and senses As part of our art topic this week, we have been inspired by Augusta Savage and her works. The children explored techniques to shape playdough before moving onto clay. We rolled, squashed and moulded the materials and created a clay pot, before decorating it with gems. Then the children used these techniques to create a bust of themselves. As you can see, the children did a fantastic job!
Friday 13 September 2024 New topics and swimming This week has been great. The children have jumped straight into learning and have become more familiar with the routines of Year 1 and Year 2.
Friday 6 September 2024 Welcome to Leopard Class! Hello and welcome to Leopard Class! It has been an amazing start to the year and it has been a pleasure to spend time as a new class over the past three days.
Friday 19 July 2024 End of the year for Leopard Class! Wow! This year has flown by! I am so proud of all of the children in Leopard Class. We have had an amazing year full of learning, creativity, team work and fun. It has been an absolute pleasure to see all of the children grow and continue to show their hard-work and positivity throughout the year. To end the last full week of term with a treat of ice pops, music and a water fight was the icing on a cake. The smiles and laughter that the children displayed was infectious and of course we all ended up soaked!
Friday 5 July 2024 Cars and Voting for Leopard Class! In our DT lessons this week, we made our cars. First the children selected the type of wheels they wanted to use and secured them on their axle with washers. Then, the children added different features to their cars. On Wednesday, the children added colour using paint and our last lesson was all about the final details, e.g. license plate, windscreen wipers, door etc. Some children even added seats inside their car!
Friday 28 June 2024 Colour Run for Leopard Class! We started a new topic in DT of 'How do we make a moving car model?'. The children will be building on a cardboard box to make their own car. This week, the children recognised parts of a car and then looked at wheels and axels. They used wooden wheels, cotton reels, straws and sticks to make they own. On Friday, the children designed their car and we will use this next week when we make them.
Friday 21 June 2024 Story Writing for Leopard Class This term is flying by, but the children continue to show fantastic efforts with their learning.
Friday 14 June 2024 Haynes Motor Museum for Leopard Class The highlight of this week was definitely our trip to Haynes Motor Museum on Thursday. The children were a credit to the school and we all had a fantastic day! We were able to see so many different types of cars, and the children were even lucky enough to sit in some! In our History lessons, the children have been learning all about the first passenger car that Karl Benz made. We learned more about this on our trip and we saw and sat on a replica of the car itself- the children found it surprisingly comfortable! We also had the opportunity to learn more about Ford's production line and have a go ourselves. The children displayed amazing teamwork and engagement throughout. Thank you to the parent helpers that were able to accompany us on the trip.
Friday 7 June 2024 Cars and Art Exhibition for Leopard Class We started this week with a bang as we had a visit from Mr Wordley and Mr Riglar who brought along their vintage cars. The children were able to explore the two vehicles by sitting in them, looking around and even honking the horn!This was to begin our history topic all about cars. We then looked at the first car produced by Karl Benz and compared it to the modern cars of today. We discussed the features and reasons for the changes. We are all vary much looking forward to our trip next Thursday to The Haynes Motor Museum.
Friday 24 May 2024 Sports Day for Leopard Class! Wow! What an amazing way to end Term 5! We were lucky enough to have the perfect weather for our back up sports day and the turn out was amazing. Thank you to all the adults who were able to attend, we hope you enjoyed our carousel of activities. The children were super stars and gave every activity a go, displaying excellence, teamwork and resilience! It was so lovely to see!
Friday 17 May 2024 Puppets for Leopard Class! This week was all about making our puppets in our design and technology lessons. On Wednesday, the children used all of their learnt skills to make their hand puppets. They used different joining techniques, such as the running stitch and glue and decorated them with a variety of materials. The children did an AMAZING job! I was so proud of all their resilience, skill and teamwork throughout the lesson. A massive thank you to all the adults who came in on Wednesday afternoon to support the children!!
Friday 10 May 2024 Sewing and designing for Leopards This week, we began a new topic in DT. The children are learning 'How to make a puppet'. We have tested different joining techniques to see which will be best to join things to our puppets- sewing, blue tac, glue, staples or cellotape. We concluded that sewing and stapling was strongest but some, like glue, were easier to use. The children then had a go at sewing, using a needle and thread to make a running stitch. They were all so resilient and it was great to see confident sewers supporting other children. Finally, we designed our puppets, ready for next week's making lessons. Thank you to those who have volunteered to help on Tuesday afternoon, if any other adults can help, please speak to Miss McMillan before then :)
Friday 3 May 2024 Kenya, recounts and fractions The children have worked so hard this week in their learning! We came to the end of our Kenya topic and answered the question 'How does living in Westbury compare to living in Kenya?' The class made posters all about what they learned about the country, before using this information to complete their essay the next day. They showed an amazing level of understanding and produced fantastic work!
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