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Panda Class Blog (Y1/2)

Welcome to our new blog for 2023-24!  We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in Year 1 and 2.

Image by Lukas W. on Unsplash

Our Class teachers are Mrs S. Bayley (Mon, Tues and alternate Wed) and Mrs E. Kerbey (Wed-Fri).  Our teaching assistant is Mrs D. Airey.

We have indoor PE every Tuesday and outdoor PE every Friday, children need to come to school on both days in their PE kit please.

Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2023-24

School Reading Spine 2023-24 


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  • Friday 19 July 2024 Happy Summer Holiday Panda Class
  • Thursday 11 July 2024 Amazing Band performance and Awesome car testing What a fun day we have had in Panda class. On Thursday we were so fortunate to experience the wonderful music performed by the New Orleans Band who's music was inspiring, fun and uplifting. It was so lovely to see the pure enjoyment on the children's faces as they sang, clapped and danced along to the fantastic musicians. They children were captivated by the Tuba, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone and drum and returned to the classroom inspired and full of enthusiasm. It was great to see.
  • Friday 5 July 2024 Constructing Cars and Persuasive Letters This week, the children had great fun constructing their cars. They had to choose wheels and make sure they fitted on the axles properly. The children then had great fun attaching doors and windows using pivot and hinge joins. They have really enjoyed their DT topic on cars this term.
  • Friday 28 June 2024 Colourful colour run and creative cars! Another busy week in Panda Class! The children are really enjoying their new DT topic learning about how to make a moving car. They have been testing out different ways to attach an axle to a chassis and the best way to fix the wheels to an axle. The children have been very creative in making axles from sticks, pencils, dowels or straws. They had a good attempt at cutting out wheels but decided it was more successful to use pre cut ones! They have also designed what they would like their finished vehicle to look like, ready to create it next week.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 Busy Weeks in Panda's - week 3 This week in Panda Class we have been very busy! In Math's we have been consolidating money. The year 1 children have been familiarizing themselves with coins and notes and the year 2’s have been giving change from £1.
  • Friday 14 June 2024 Marvelous Motor Museum visit! Panda Class have been working hard again this week finding out about ordering numbers, adding up using £ and p in maths. In IT we have been starting a topic using Scratch Jr and finding out about how create a sequence of commands to change how our sprite moves. Panda Class have also really enjoyed reading Mrs Armitage on wheels and were very creative in their design of new characters and new vehicles. I cant wait to read their stories next week using their new characters and creations. Finally we have been learning more interesting facts about how over time, cars have made it easier for people to travel for work and pleasure. We also learnt how Betha Benz, Carl Benz's wife, introduced her husbands invention to the world and it changed our lives forever. By the end of 1895 there were only up to 15 cars on the road in the whole of the UK but by 1969 there were over 10 million!. Today we were fortunate enough to visit the Haynes Motor museum where the children got a chance to sit in
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Panda's Term 6 Week 1! It’s been a fantastic first week back and the sun has been shining each day. The children have all come back feeling refreshed and ready to go for their last term in Panda class. Please make sure that the children bring in a sun hat if they have one. We do have sunhats at school if not. Suntan lotion is a must and needs to be applied before school each day.
  • Friday 24 May 2024 Super Sports Stars! What a lovely way to end the term with a wonderful sports day. The weather was perfect, the activities were fun and the children joined in enthusiastically. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us and support their children taking part. The carousel of activities enabled the children to keep active for the whole afternoon and helped the children to show real sportsmanship qualities such as teamwork, determination, friendship and resilience. Well done Panda Class you were real Super Stars!
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Lots of Sewing in Panda Class! It’s been a fantastic week in Panda class with lots going on! In Design, the children have had great fun learning to sew. They have been busy bees practicing their running stitch and all did so well. The children all followed their plans very carefully to decorate their puppets.
  • Friday 10 May 2024 Skillful Sewers and fabulous fraction finders! Well done Panda Class on achieving another great week of learning. We have begun our new topic on 'how do you make a puppet?' with great interest and excitement. First we looked at different joining techniques to find out which method would be a good way to join our puppet together. Next, using binca we practised running stich, taking care to keep the stitches the same length. We have some very skillful sewers in our class! We also tried really hard to sew `up, down, up, down but never around'. I was so impressed with how well the children were able to sew and can't wait to see how beautifully neat their sewing will be on their final puppets.
  • Friday 3 May 2024 Freeze Framing and Recounts This week in Panda Class we have been doing some drama. The children worked in groups to freeze frame different parts of the story ‘The Hunter’. They were fantastic at this, as you will see in the pictures below. We have also planned a recount of the story which the children have then written in best as though they were Jamina.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 A Close encounter with some of the big 5! The highlight of our week this week can only be our wonderful trip to Noah's Ark Zoo. We had a fantastic day seeing some of the big 5 animals we are learning about in our Geography topic all about Kenya. We saw Lions, Elephants and Rhinos as well as Giraffes, camels, bears, crocodiles and meercats to name just a few. Panda Class were really fortunate to watch a fantastic bird display and learn all about the different hunting birds with them brushing past the tops of our heads; a very close encounter! We were able to get very close to lots of the animals and the children had a wonderful time. Well done Panda class for your super behaviour on our trip; you were a real credit to our school.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Panda Class Term 5 Welcome back Panda Class. Term 5 -here we come!
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 Supportability and Scootability Panda class have had a very busy final week of term, creating flowers with their grownups at our parent event on Monday. Thank you so much to all of the parents who were able to give up their time to support the children's learning. It was a lovely relaxed afternoon where the children had lots of fun and were able to consolidate their learning about plants through discussions and careful reflection. During the Easter holidays why not try getting out in the garden and planting some seeds - either from a packet or after drying them from a piece of fruit or vegetable. I wonder which will grow the quickest?
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Swimming and Pictograms! This week, the children have really worked very hard in school. With one week to go before the Easter Holidays, the children have their last swimming lesson on Tuesday. I am so proud of all of them and its been so lovely to see their confidence blossom in the water. Well done Panda’s.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Successful Story Mappers and Skilled Science Explorers Another busy week has been had in Panda class. The children are really enjoying their swimming lessons and will be very sad to finish at the end of term. For some it has been a real test of courage and determination to overcome their fear of the water, while for others it has been a great opportunity to develop or improve a new skill.
  • Thursday 7 March 2024 World Book Day and lots of Water! What a fantastic week we have had! The children had a wonderful World Book Day! Lots of amazing costumes all based around a word. Vibrant, spotty, bendy, iridescent, sleepy, magical, gamer, sleepover are just a few!
  • Friday 1 March 2024 All things practical and creative! We have had a really fun week in Panda class this week with lots of practical activities to keep our learning super interesting. In maths we have been continuing to learn about measuring but where as last week we were thinking about using a ruler to measure in metres and centimetres, this week we have been finding the mass of objects and measuring in grams and kilo grams. Our year 1 children have been learning to compare the mass of different objects and put them in order from the lightest to the heaviest. They have also practiced ordering the mass of 3 objects and using comparative language to say ` The shoe is heavier than the cup but is lighter than the chair'. You have worked so hard year 1. well done, great job! See if you can continue practicing finding the mass of objects at home and say the sentences to your grownup. Year 2 children have been really working hard to apply their skills at using the four operations + - X and divide to solve problems involving the mass of objects.
  • Friday 23 February 2024 Fantastic Swimmers!
  • Friday 9 February 2024 Nurturing Nurses, Reliable Recounts and Magnificent Mathemeticians This week we have finished our topic on Nurturing Nurses, where we recognised the equal importance of Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. They both played a significant and heroic part in looking after the soldiers during and after the Crimeon War and bringing about changes to the hospitals and treatment of the sick. We are really grateful to all of the parents who were able to come and support our parent event on Tuesday afternoon, where the children were able to share their wonderful learning and create amazing medals to commemorate the work of the Nurturing Nurses.
  • Friday 2 February 2024 Panda's Victorian Visit Panda class have had a fantastic week continuing to learn about Florence Nightingale in History. The Trowbridge Museum came to talk to the children about Florence Nightingale and they enjoyed learning about who she was and why she was so famous. Why don’t you ask your child to tell you something they have learnt so far? I bet they will have lots to tell you. We have also learnt about another famous person called Mary Seacole and how she made her own medicines.
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Panda's Florence Nightingale Panda class have been working really hard this week. We have started our new History topic on Florence Nightingale and the children have really enjoyed learning about what hospital conditions used to be like and how Florence Nightingale changed them into cleaner and more hygenic places. The children also enjoyed being nurses themselves and practiced their skills using bandages.
  • Friday 19 January 2024 Awesome Algorithms and Diligent Dividers We have had another busy week in Panda Class and the children are really applying all of their wonderful learning to their work. Today we have had lots of fun thinking about how we need to give and follow instructions in order to create algorithms. We used the Bee-bots to help us put this to the test. Panda class worked thoughtfully together to ensure everyone had a turn and had lots of fun creating and following algorithms.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 Stories with a twist, Materials that will twist and a new twist to understanding numbers! Stories with a twist, Materials that will twist and a new twist to understanding numbers!
  • Thursday 14 December 2023 Fantastic Panda's I have been so proud of the Panda Class this week. They have given two fantastic performances of The Sleepy Shepherd in front of big audiences! They all sang so beautifully and performed so well. They should all be very proud of themselves.
  • Thursday 14 December 2023 Fantastic Panda's I have been so proud of the Panda Class this week. They have given two fantastic performances of The Sleepy Shepherd in front of big audiences! They all sang so beautifully and performed so well. They should all be very proud of themselves.
  • Friday 8 December 2023 Hollywood Hopefuls! The excitement is building for our performances next week. The children have been working really hard to remember their parts in our Christmas nativity play and have been practicing their angelic singing too. Thank you to everyone who remembered to bring in a costume for our dress rehearsal on Thursday. It really helped to prepare the children for their blockbuster debut next week.
  • Friday 1 December 2023 What a busy week in Panda Class The Pandas have worked so hard this week. In English we have been learning about non chronological reports and thinking about the features you would find. The Panda's have been writing their own non chronological report on Penguins this week, with a title, sub headings, facts, a text box and illustrations as well.
  • Friday 24 November 2023 Awesome Aquarium This week in Panda Class we finished our learning in science about what animals and humans need to survive. We completed our topic with an awesome visit to the Aquarium in Bristol today. We saw lots of amazing sea creatures that swam over us, next to us and under us; from Bull husk Sharks and Black Breams to Spiny Lobsters, Flat Fish, Common Sunstars and Sea Urchins to name just a few. There were tiny poisonous dart frogs, all different colours, to others that were so well camouflaged, they were really tricky to spot. We enjoyed seeing the Flat fish being fed and observing the graceful seahorses gently floating thorough the water. There we so many wonderful creatures to see, it was tricky getting pictures of them all. See how many of them you can spot and name. Maybe you could try and make a fact file about them using a head, sub headings to practice what we have been learning about in our English lessons this week. Maybe you could find out a WOW! fact about some of the creatures and a
  • Saturday 18 November 2023 Eager Explorers and Interested Investigators The weeks are passing by very quickly but equally the amount of fantastic learning your children are doing and the rapid progress some are making is outstanding. Well done Panda Class for trying your best.
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