Bumblebee Class Blog (RB)
Welcome to our new blog for 2024-25! We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in the Resource Base.
Image by Proinsias Mac an Bheatha on Unsplash
Our Class teacher is Mrs M. Watts. Our teaching assistants are Mrs K. Bowyer, Ms N. Derrick, Ms S. Kearl and Mrs S. Lloyd.
Bumblebee Class are Year 1 and Year 2 children.
YR Curriculum Overview 2024-25 YR Writing Curriculum 2024-25
Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2024-25 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2024-25
Friday 7 February 2025 Friday 7th February We have had a fantastic week this week designing and making our own fruit salads. On Monday, we sorted foods into fruits and vegetables and then spent some time looking at a range of different fruits. We talked about the colour, shape and smell of the fruits before having a little taste. We used adjectives to describe them and thought about which were our favourites.
Friday 24 January 2025 Friday 24th January We have had another great week in Bumblebees with many proud moments!
Friday 17 January 2025 Friday 17th January We have had a lovely week in Bumblebee Class looking at our new topic all about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We went on a tour of England and Scotland and had a look at some of the key landmarks for these countries. We also found out about how the flag of the UK came about and identified the national flowers for these countries. Next week we will be looking at Wales and Northern Ireland.
Friday 10 January 2025 Friday 10th January Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all! We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and a relaxing break. The Bumblebee children have come back into school really well. They have quickly settled back into routines and have been getting on well and playing nicely together.
Friday 13 December 2024 Friday 13th December What a busy week it has been! We had our special Christmas church service on Thursday at the All Saints Church and put on two performances of our nativity play. It was so lovely seeing all of the children dressed up in their costumes and joining in singing, dancing and performing in front of their families. We were very proud of all the children who performed and hope you enjoyed it as much as the children enjoyed performing it!
Friday 29 November 2024 Friday 29th November It has been a busy but enjoyable week in Bumblebee class!
Friday 22 November 2024 Friday 22nd November What a lovely time we had on our school trip to the SS Great Britain yesterday!
Friday 15 November 2024 Friday 15th November The Bumblebees have been busy this week completing their firework poems. On Monday the children used a variety of adjectives to describe fireworks. They then worked collaboratively to create a fireworks poem which they then decorated.
Friday 8 November 2024 Friday 8th November Welcome back to term 2! We hope you all had a good break.
Friday 18 October 2024 Friday 18th October It has been another busy week in Bumblebee Class. Not only have we been busy with our work in class but we have also been busy working on our social skills and self-regulation skills. We have worked together in pairs to rescue the bumblebees stuck in jelly, have helped each other to put picture puzzles back together and have thought about different ways we can help ourselves to calm when we are feeling sad, frustrated or angry.
Friday 11 October 2024 Friday 11th October The children in Bumblebee class have been very busy this week learning to get along with their friends and taking turns and sharing.
Friday 27 September 2024 Friday 27th September What a lovely day we had on Wednesday on our school trip to the Holburne Museum! The children were allowed to have a quick look at the different sculptures and paintings on display in the museum galleries and this was followed by a lovey sculpture workshop. During the workshop the children were invited to make their own sculpture figures out of wire and modroc. They started by shaping the wire figures and then winding layers of modroc around the wire to create their sculptures. The finished sculptures looked fantastic!
Friday 13 September 2024 Friday 13th September What a busy week we've had in Bumblebees! I am so proud of all the children for the way they have settled into new routines.
Friday 19 July 2024 Friday 19th July It seems hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year, however, what a privilege it has been watching the children in Bumblebee class grow and develop during that time!
Friday 12 July 2024 Friday 12th July What a lovely week we've had - the highlight being the amazing New Orleans Band who put on an incredible performance for us all. The children were captivated by the music and were all singing and dancing along. The band introduced us to their different instruments and let us hear what they all sounded like. It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves and to listen to them talking so animatedly about the performance afterwards.
Friday 5 July 2024 Friday 5th July This week we have been busy designing and making our own moving cars. First we had to draw and label our designs and then we had to assemble our cars. It was tricky attaching the axle to the chassis but with a little resilience we all succeeded! Once we had built our cars, we then set about painting them. We had to look back at our designs to ensure that they were the same. Next week we will add the finishing touches such as doors, windows, number plates and windscreen wipers. We can't wait to share our finished products with you!
Friday 28 June 2024 Friday 28th June The children in Bumblebees and Honeybees looked fabulous this morning in all their brightly coloured clothes and they had a great time completing their colour run. Thank you to everyone that supported this event. All the money raised goes into funding the amazing school trips we offer.
Friday 21 June 2024 Friday 21st June This week we have been busy writing stories, developing our knowledge and understanding of money and completing our history unit about cars.
Friday 14 June 2024 Friday 14th June Wow, what a busy and exciting week we have had in Bumblebee Class! We had our second swimming lesson and our last two trips of the year and the children have behaved impeccably and had a fantastic time.
Friday 24 May 2024 Friday 24th May As we come to the end of another term, we just want to take the opportunity to say how proud we are of all the children. They have all worked so hard again this term - well done Bumblebees!
Friday 17 May 2024 Friday 17th May We started our week looking at how germs can be spread and why it is so important to wash your hands after going to the toilet and before eating or preparing food. We used glitter to see how easily germs can be spread and then practised washing our hands thoroughly in order to get rid of the germs.
Saturday 11 May 2024 Friday 10 May This week in Bumblebee class has marked the beginning of our latest topic about puppets. We started the week looking at how different puppets work. The children spent some time playing with the different puppets and putting on their own puppet shows before having a go at making their own finger and stick puppets. As the week progressed, we looked at different joining techniques such as gluing, stapling, sewing, using sellotape and Blu-tac. We discovered that Blu-tac and sellotape were not very secure at holding two bits of felt together and we all agreed that sewing would be the best method for securing the puppets that we will make. Once we had made this decision, we spent time learning how to sew using a running stitch. We all found the sewing really tricky but we were resilient and kept on trying.
Saturday 4 May 2024 Friday 3rd May This week in Bumblebee Class we have been busy making music, using drama to act out scenes from the story book that we have been reading and developing our ball skills in PE. We have also been talking a lot about the choices we make and how these can be good or bad.
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