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Meerkats Class Blog (Y1/2)

Welcome to our new blog for 2023-24!  We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in Year 1 and 2..

Image  by Brigitte Elsner on Unsplash

Our Class teachers are Mrs T. Jeffery, Mrs G. Hughes (alternate Mondays) and Mrs E. Millard (alternate Wednesday mornings).  Our teaching assistant is Ms C. Smith.

We have indoor PE every Wednesday and outdoor PE every Monday, children need to come to school on both days in their PE kit please.

Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2023-24

School Reading Spine 2023-24 


Show list Show Grid
  • Friday 19 July 2024 Happy Holidays Marvellous Meerkats! Dear Meerkat Class,
  • Friday 12 July 2024 Cars and Concerts! Wow what a week – the highlight being the amazing New Orleans Band who joined us on Thursday in the hall. We were all treated to a musical extravaganza as the band played many songs, to which we could clap and tap along to, join in with and even dance to. From ‘The Backstreet Boys’ to ‘Oh When the Saints go marching in’ and many numbers in between. The children thoroughly enjoyed every moment, calling for an encore.
  • Friday 5 July 2024 Cars and Construction! There was lots happening in class and across the school this week; transition visits for Year 2, an election and a visit from Westbury Library!
  • Friday 28 June 2024 Colourful Meerkats! Gosh the weeks are really flying by now but the marvellous Meerkats haven’t lost their enthusiasm or energy for learning and growing their brains! We started the week ‘learning outside of the classroom’ looking at cars and finished the week back outside with our amazing Colour Run!
  • Friday 21 June 2024 It is all about Teamwork! The term is flying by but it was still another great week for the marvellous Meerkats. It is amazing to see how much they have grown, learnt, explored and progressed since September. Whilst they are a mix of two separate year groups then are most definitely just one class. However, saying that, the Year 2 children have begun their transition and this week with a visit the Junior School as part of their transition programme. There will be having more visits as the term progresses. Please follow the link for the letter which was sent with all transition details.
  • Friday 14 June 2024 All about cars!! Another busy week for the Marvellous Meerkats. Starting with a visit from Ian and Cooper the dog, to hear the children read and finishing with our wonderful trip to the Haynes Motor Museum. What a wonderful day we all had. The children saw and sat on the cars that they are learning about in History and many many more – the Lamborghini sparked a particular interest with them all! They took part in a production line challenge and as always worked so well as a team. The children were a credit to the school – their behaviour and engagement was fantastic. Gems in the jar! Thank you so much to the adults who joined us today on the trip, we hope you enjoyed it as much we did. Your help and support are invaluable and enables these trips to happen – so a big thank you! (More pics to follow next week)
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Cars and special visitors! What a wonderful start to the term we have had in Meerkat Class this week. The children have all returned full of enthusiasm for new learning and new topics. Hard to believe that we are in Term 6 already!
  • Friday 24 May 2024 Sporting Meerkat Superstars! It’s hard to believe that we have reached the end of Term 5 already but what a fabulous way to end the term. The marvellous Meerkats were truly marvellous today as they enjoyed their Sports Day. We all saw so much fantastic teamwork and support and enthusiasm for the events from all the children. A big thank you to all parents and grandparents for your support too. It really is so lovely to share these events with you. May I just acknowledge how well the children coped with their disappointment on Wednesday when the weather was up against us and we had to postpone. They all showed such resilience as we talked about disappointment and bouncing back. As it was our PE day we had an extra practice of some of the events inside – as you saw today, the javelin is definitely a Meerkat favourite! Future Olympians there I think! I have included photos from our practice day on Monday too.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Puppets Galore! It was all about the sewing this week. Please do check out the pictures to see how well all of the children did making their puppets. We were so impressed with what they made – well done marvellous Meerkats! Their binca practice definitely paid off when the children confidently began sewing their puppets together. They followed their plans and created fabulous puppets – soon to be a feature display in our classroom. May I take the opportunity to say a very big THANK YOU to our parents and grandparents who joined us in class to support with the activity. Your support with these activities is invaluable and the children love having visitors to our class.
  • Friday 10 May 2024 Meerkats and Puppets! Another week has just flown by and we can’t quite believe that we are fast approaching the end of Term 5! The children have, as always, been amazing and marvellous this week. We have seen so many acts of kindness, support for each other and enthusiasm and excitement for learning from the children – they have deservedly earnt an abundance of gems this week, they really are a super team!
  • Friday 3 May 2024 Adventures in Kenya! The marvellous Meerkats thoroughly deserve this well-earned Bank Holiday long weekend – they have certainly been growing their brains this week!
  • Friday 26 April 2024 Meerkats meet the Meerkats! First thing to say this week – Well done marvellous Meerkats!!! You were an absolute credit to your yourselves and the school this week on our class trip. Myself and the team are so proud of you all. Also, a big thank you for our parent helpers, your support and help is very much appreciated and without it, these trips could not go ahead.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Meerkats and Kenya! It is hard to believe that we are in Term 5 already and our first week is done! The children have all returned full of energy, enthusiasm and excitement. And my, how they have grown – we have even had to move our carpet dots to give the children more space when on the carpet!
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 Scooters and the Easter Bunny! Well this term has just flown by!! We have packed so much in and the children have risen to every new challenged presented to them. Myself and the team are so impressed with all of the Meerkats. They have worked together as a team just like their namesake, listened and responded to feedback, and given their best in all of their learning – well done Marvellous Meerkats!
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Performing Meerkats! Firstly, it was lovely to see so many of you this week at Parents Evening and have the opportunity to share your children’s progress and achievements with you. May I also take this opportunity to say thank you for all your continued support at home with your children’s learning especially with their reading and phonics.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Plants and Beanstalks! It was so lovely to see all the children dressed in red today in support of Red Nose Day. What a fabulous bunch of red Meerkats they made!! In case, any of you missed it the marvellous Meerkats made it into the press last week in ‘The White Horse News’ with their World Book Day picture. I’ve included the picture along with our class pictures from this week.
  • Friday 8 March 2024 Artistic Meerkats! What a wonderful week we have had! It was fantastic to see all the children dressed up as a word or in character from their favourite book on World Book Day. They all looked truly amazing!
  • Friday 1 March 2024 Sunflowers and Music! What a wonderful week we have had in Meerkat class. Looking through the photographs it is hard to believe that was all in one week!
  • Friday 23 February 2024 Jumping back into learning! What a great start to the term the marvellous Meerkats have had with new topics in English, Maths, Topic – Art, PE and RE.
  • Friday 9 February 2024 What a busy term we have had! Well, this term has certainly flown by but that has not stopped the marvellous Meerkats from being very busy with their learning and growing their brains. We have completed two topic blocks; Science and History, shared poetry and traditional tales alongside all our maths learning of the four operations. Wow!
  • Friday 2 February 2024 Meet the Historians! Wow – what a fantastic week the marvellous Meerkats have had! From writing poetry, programming BeeBots to taking part in a history workshop, and that’s just for starters!
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Caring Meerkats. A very short blog this week due to me being off school. I will upload all the pictures from this week on next week’s blog.
  • Friday 19 January 2024 Meerkats and Science. The marvellous Meerkats have worked so hard this week and have filled their gem jar, so their reward was extra playtime today! This was their first week with Mrs Hughes and she was very impressed with them all – welcome to the team Mrs Hughes.
  • Friday 12 January 2024 A great start to the new year and the new term! Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome back to Term 3. The children have settled back really well and have made a great start in our new topic of ‘Materials’ and with our new English book ‘The three little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’.
  • Wednesday 20 December 2023 Merry Christmas Meerkats! This is our last blog of 2023 so thank you all for all your continued support especially with our trips and walks to swimming. What a fantastic end to the term we have had. On Monday the children were amazing when they all performed a poem and sang and signed songs at our Christmas Church Service. We all enjoyed a ‘delicious and scrumptious’ Christmas dinner on Tuesday followed by a class party! As you can see from the pictures, the children all looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers and hats.
  • Friday 15 December 2023 Magical Meerkats - Stars of the Stage! Well what can we say except a huge big WELL DONE to the Marvellous Meerkats, Pandas and Zebras for the most wonderful Sleepy Shepherd performance! I am sure you will agree that the children were absolutely amazing. They sung and signed the songs beautifully, read lines - word perfect and thoroughly enjoyed their moment! Well done – we are so proud of you all. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents for joining us and sending in costumes. Didn’t they all look fabulous! Enjoy the pictures.
  • Friday 8 December 2023 Penguin Meerkats! It’s beginning to feel a bit like Christmas… Sparkle our class elf has been writing to us each day and is very proud of how kind Meerkat Class is. She has put the letters received for Father Christmas in her special bag and will make sure that the are delivered safely.
  • Friday 1 December 2023 Meerkats and meteorology! Gosh, this term is flying by but the children are still enthusiastically packing in lots of fun and learning. Our kindness elf Sparkle arrived on Thursday and is really enjoying being in Meerkat Class, the children chose a book for her to read when we had all gone home.
  • Friday 24 November 2023 Marvellous Meerkats visit the Aquarium! Wow, Wow, Wow!!! On so many levels this week. But I think this week’s blog is all about the trip!
  • Friday 17 November 2023 Meerkats and Music! The marvellous Meerkats are going from strength to strength. The have settled into Term 2 so well, meeting expectations and enthusiastically soaking up all new knowledge – as one said this week ‘we are like sponges’. Well done magnificent Meerkats – keep it up!
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