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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybee Class Blog (RB)

Welcome to our new blog for 2023-24!  We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in the Resource Base.

brown and black wasp on yellow surface

Image by Shelby Cohron on Unsplash

Our Class teachers is Miss V. Hackeson.  Our teaching assistants are Miss M. New, Mrs M. Walker and Mrs G. Boon.

Honeybee Class are Reception and Year 1 children.

YR Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24

YR Writing Curriculum 2023-24     Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2023-24 

School Reading Spine 2023-24 

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  • Saturday 20 July 2024 Honeybees Friday 19th July We can't quite believe we are nearing the end of another school year. What a privilege it has been to watch all of our amazing Honeybees grow and develop in so many ways over this last year! We couldn't be prouder of each and every one of them!
  • Tuesday 9 July 2024 Honeybees Friday 5th July We have had a fun filled week in Honeybee Class packed full of wonderful interaction, play and spicy sandwiches.
  • Monday 1 July 2024 Honeybees Friday 28th June Wow! What a colourful week we have had in Honeybee Class!
  • Sunday 23 June 2024 Honeybees Friday 21st June What a busy week we have had in Honeybee Class!
  • Friday 14 June 2024 Honeybees Friday 14th June We have had a fantastic week in Bumblebee Class which kick started with the transformation from chrysalis to butterfly for two of our caterpillars. The children were very excited to see that they had transformed and were eager to make sure we fed the butterflies, they have joined us for snack all week enjoying bits of fresh fruit and sugar water. Since the beginning of the week two more have transformed, we aim to release them on Monday once their wings are dry and strong enough.
  • Sunday 9 June 2024 Honeybees Friday 7th June What a wonderful week we have had in Honeybees!
  • Saturday 25 May 2024 Honeybees Friday 24th May 2024 We have come to the end of another fantastic term in Honeybee Class and we want to take this opportunity to say how proud we are of all the children. We have seen fantastic cooperative play, turn taking, super listening skills and all of the children have worked so hard - well done Honeybees!
  • Wednesday 22 May 2024 Honeybees Friday 17th May We have had a brilliant week in Honeybees Class learning all about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We kick started the week with our focus book, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar.' The children made caterpillars and butterflies using a range of medias, watched the life cycle of a butterfly and learnt that the butterfly starts its life as an egg, it grows into a large caterpillar, forms a chrysalis and then transforms into a butterfly. The children were fantastic at ordering the story and remembering all of the food the hungry caterpillar ate. They were very excited to hear that we will have our very own caterpillars to take care of next week, that they will watch a real life cycle of a butterfly over the next month. Watch this space!
  • Monday 13 May 2024 Honeybees Friday 10th May We have had a busy week this week in Honeybee Class focusing on all things linked the the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children enjoyed listening to different versions of the story and had lots of fun acting out the story, they were fantastic trolls and goats trying to pass the bridge safely. The children became really familiar with the story and enjoyed making their very own bridges for the goats to pass, they worked together with their peers to make tall and long bridges using a range of construction materials. In addition to this they painted their own trolls, collaged them and made them from playdough.
  • Monday 6 May 2024 Honeybees Friday 3rd May 2024 What a wonderful week we have had in Bumblebees Class! The week started with a visit from Cooper the therapy dog. The children really enjoyed his visit, they were very gentle with him, helped to brush him and enjoyed stroking him. Cooper will visit the children every Monday afternoon for around 20 minutes. We discovered that he really enjoys stories so we shall choose a special story to read ready for his next visit.
  • Sunday 28 April 2024 Honeybees - Friday 26th April We have had a fantastic week in Honeybee's Class! The children have spent lots of time alongside their friends choosing to read books and mark make this week, we have seen fantastic sharing, playing and working together which was just wonderful.
  • Sunday 21 April 2024 Honeybees Friday 19th April 2024 Welcome back! We hope everybody had a fun filled break. We have had a wonderful first week back in Honeybees Class with the children settling back into school life well.
  • Sunday 24 March 2024 Honeybees Friday 22nd March This week in Honeybee Class we have been focusing really closely on what it means to be a good friend. The children have spent lots of time in small groups, or with a pair improving their sharing skills, turn taking and playing cooperatively. The children enjoyed working together to collect and transport water to different areas outside, shared equipment to improve their fine motor skills, played ball games and board games and had great fun in Bucket sessions waiting their turn to splat flowers and hide under blankets. They have played beautifully together with a range of toys which has been just wonderful to watch. We are really proud of the kindness we are seeing as they start to help each other and work as a team, well done Honeybees!
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Honeybees Friday 15th March In Honeybees Class this week the children have continued their learning about plants with a new story called The Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton. Using inspiration from the story they had lots of fun creating tall beanstalks and fantasy animal paintings. Their imaginations are fantastic!
  • Monday 11 March 2024 Honeybees 8th March 2024 What a busy week we have had in Honeybees class as we have set our minds to all things growing related. The children have continued their growing journey with the story Jaspers Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth. In the story Jasper finds a bean, he plants it, waters it and even tends to the slugs. He then waits for his beanstalk to grow and in the end he ends up with a brilliant tall beanstalk. The children really enjoyed learning from Jasper, they chose their very own beans, planted them and watered them. They made fantastic gardeners, we can not wait to see how their beanstalks grow. The children were so engrossed with this they then worked hard to fill and empty pots with water, compost and sand using a range of equipment in our outdoor area.
  • Saturday 2 March 2024 Honeybees 1st March 2024 We've had a busy week in Honeybees class this week focusing on the seasons and Spring in particular. We have learnt that trees start to blossom, new flowers bud and baby animals are born. The children looked at signs that Spring is on its way and created their own blossom trees, flowers and baby lambs.
  • Saturday 24 February 2024 23/02/2024
  • Friday 9 February 2024 09/02/2024
  • Sunday 4 February 2024 02/02/2024 We have had a fantastic week in Honeybee's Class!
  • Saturday 27 January 2024 26/1/2024 Our wonderful Honeybees have had a fantastic week continuing their exploration into space. It has been so wonderful to see the children so enthusiastic and excited to continue their learning.
  • Sunday 21 January 2024 19/01/24 What a busy week our Honeybees have had!
  • Tuesday 16 January 2024 Friday 13th January 2024 What a fantastic first week back we have had in Honeybees class. The children have settled back well into the routines of the school day and had lots of fun along the way.

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